Restaurant in Rome Tests a Plexiglass Table Divider to Prevent COVID-19

It's no secret that Italy was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, and as the country moves forward, many are wondering when they can enjoy the things they used to again — like going out to dinner. A restaurant in Rome is now testing out a way (presumably once restrictions are slowly lifted) that people can sit down for a delicious meal while still maintaining their distance.

Their experiment? A plexiglass divider placed on the table to help lower the risk of spreading coronavirus. The restaurant, Il Ciak, located in Rome's Trastevere district, has only been open for take out and delivery, but the owner, Valerio Calderoni and his wife Martina began testing out the divider this week.

In pictures (which you can view HERE), you can see the clear plexiglass divider in the center of the table as Valerio and Martina — both wearing masks — sit across from one another on either side. Valerio is still able to pour Martina a glass of wine on the side of the table, reaching around the divider. Maybe it's not as intimate as a romantic dinner would normally be, but it in this pandemic, it seems it may be safer.

Whether or not you would be able to hear your dining partner through the plexiglass is unclear, but could this be a reality in the near future?

Italy has been in lockdown — officially as an entire country — since mid-March, with some areas put under quarantine in February.

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Contenido patrocinado