George Floyd Protests Spread To More Than 30 Cities Across The Country

Protests continue over the death of George Floyd in Atlanta

Thousands of people took to the streets in more than 30 cities across the country on Friday (May 29) to protest the death of George Floyd, who was killed at the hands of Minneapolis police officers earlier in the week. The protests turned violent in many cities as rioters clashed with police officers.

In Minneapolis, the riots forced Governor Tom Walz to order a "full mobilization" of the state's National Guard. Over the past few days, rioters have torched buildings, including the police precinct where the four officers involved in Floyd's death worked. Stores were vandalized as looters took everything they could get their hands on.

Walz blasted the people causing violence, accusing them of using Floyd's death as an excuse to riot.

"By Thursday, it was nearly gone, and last night is a mockery of pretending this is about George Floyd's death or inequities or historical traumas to our communities of color."

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said that the riots were caused by agitators who were not from the city and were not trying to peacefully protest police violence.

"This is no longer about protesting," Frey said. "This is about violence, and we need to make sure that it stops."

In Oakland, an unidentified car pulled up to the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building and opened fire on the officers stationed outside. The shooting left a Federal Protective Services officer dead, and another officer hospitalized with undisclosed injuries. Police have not arrested anybody in connection with the shooting but did make 22 arrests as the riots spread throughout the city.

Hundreds of people were arrested in New York City, including two women in Brooklyn who were accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail at a police car.

Protesters in Atlanta gathered outside of CNN's headquarters, with one person climbing on top of the network's logo in front of the building.

The four officers involved in Floyd's killing were fired, while the former officer who put his knee on Floyd's throat was arrested and charged with third-degree murder.

Photo: Getty Images

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