How To Watch The First Debate Between President Donald Trump And Joe Biden

On Tuesday (September 29), President Donald Trump will square off against Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the first of three presidential debates. The debate will begin at 9 p.m. ET and will run for 90-minutes without commercial breaks. It will be aired on every major news network, including Fox, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and C-SPAN. The debate will also be broadcast on NBC News Radio along with iHeartMedia stations nationwide, as well as on the iHeartRadio app.

The debate will be moderated by Fox News host Chris Wallace and will cover six topics: the Supreme Court vacancy, the coronavirus outbreak, election integrity, the economy, the political records of both Trump and Biden, and race relations and the violence in cities across the country.

Each segment will be 15-minutes long, and each candidate will be given two minutes to respond to Wallace's questions. They will also be given additional time to respond to their opponent's answers. President Trump will field the first question from Wallace.

The debate is being held at the Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and there will be between 80-100 invited guests, who will be socially distanced throughout the venue. The Commission on Presidential Debates said that all attendees will be tested for COVID-19, and the traditional handshake between the candidates has been scrapped due to coronavirus. Trump, Biden, and Wallace will not be wearing masks during the debate. 

The debate is expected to be must-see TV as 74% of all registered voters are expected to tune-in.

The next presidential debate will be a town hall-style debate and will take place in Florida on October 15. The final debate will be in Tennessee on October 22 and will be moderated by NBC's Kristen Welker.

The vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will take place on October 7 in Utah.

Photo: Getty Images

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