PA Officials Urge Patience As They Continue To Count Mail-In Ballots

Pennsylvania Continues To Count Ballots Day After Election

As the presidential election hangs in the balance, poll workers in Pennsylvania are working around the clock to count the remaining mail-in ballots and those still coming in. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf asked everybody to be patient as they work to ensure that every vote is counted.

"I will do everything within my power to ensure that the results are fair and that every vote is counted. Pennsylvania will have a fair election," he said.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar estimated the state expects to receive between 2.5 and three million mail-in ballots before the Friday (November 6) deadline.

Wolf said that poll workers have counted roughly half the ballots and cautioned it may be a few days before the results are known.

"We may not know the results even today," Wolf said.

The presidential election is currently too close to call, with 87 electoral votes still up for grabs. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has a 238-213 vote lead according to projections from Fox News. As of 12:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday (November 4), President Trump is beating Biden in Pennsylvania, 53.5%-45.3%, with 64% of the precincts reporting in. 

Six other states have yet to be called for either candidate. President Trump has a commanding lead in Alaska and is expected to win the state's three votes. He is also holding on to slight leads in Georgia and North Carolina. Biden is currently clinging to slim leads in Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan. If the current results hold, Biden would have 270 electoral votes, enough to declare him the winner without Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes.

The election is far from decided, and either candidate could easily come out on top once all the votes are counted.

Photo: Getty Images

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