This Is The Most Famous Food In Oklahoma

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One of the best parts of experiencing a city is through tasting the city's local cuisine. Some cities have those "famous foods" that they are known for. For example, you can't go to Chicago without a tasty deep-dish pizza, and Nashville wouldn't be the same without a stop for some hot chicken.

Mashed compiled a list of each state's most famous food. The website states, "So, let's talk famous state foods ... after a bit of a disclaimer. We put together a list of some of the dishes and ingredients that each state is most famous for, and sometimes, it was tough picking just one of a slew of delicious creations. Here's what made the final cut."

According to Mashed, Oklahoma's most famous food is chicken fried steak. The website explains:

"Where on earth would American famous food cuisine be without chicken fried steak? Culture Trip says that even though it originated in Texas with its large population of German and Austrian immigrants who were inspired by the wiener schnitzel of their homeland, it's Oklahoma who can lay claim to some of the best-known recipes for it. The state takes it super seriously, too: In 1988, they named the fried meat-and-gravy dish the official state meal. This state definitely has its priorities in order."

Click here to check out the full list of each state's most famous food.

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